I Purpose of the legal notice
These general conditions regulate the use of all services of the web, that Aurora Marquez Godino, NIF 50.425.642-M, as owner makes available to Internet users. By simply using the web, the user expresses the full and unreserved acceptance of these, which may be amended at any time by Aurora Márquez Godino. Users are, also, under any particular conditions, warnings or instructions that are brought to their knowledge regarding specific content or services, supplementing the provisions in these Terms and Conditions they not oppose them.
II Disclaimer
Aurora Márquez Godino does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the web, of its services and content, and if possible be warned previously of interruptions in the operation of the same. Nor is liable for any damages of any kind which may arise due to the lack of availability or continuity of the website or any of its services, or failures in the access to the different sections of the website.
III Use of the web
Except you have obtained prior express authorization from Aurora Marquez Godino, the user shall refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain any type of content, whether text, graphics, drawings, sound files, images or photographs, videos, software y, general, any kind of material accessible through the website or services, using means other than those that have been made available for this purpose or which are normally used for this purpose on the Internet.
IV Intellectual Property
Each and all of the contents, and names, logos, trademarks and databases accessible in the web pages, they are subject to rights of industrial and intellectual property of Aurora Márquez Godino. Any access to the web pages imply any kind of waiver, transmission or sale of all or part of those rights, or confer any right to use, disturbance, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents or industrial property without the prior express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by Aurora Marquez Godino, except the right to view and make copies for personal use and exclusive user, which must always be exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith and applicable legislation.
V consumer law and data protection
All information is tailored to R.D. 218/2005 of 11 October, measures of protection to the consumer.
Under the law 34/2002 Services of the society of information and electronic commerce (LSSICE) and the law 15/1999 of 13 of December, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), We inform you that your personal data are contained in a file of personal ownership of Aurora Márquez Godino, in order to manage the different services. Also, as provided for in articles 15 and following of the LOPD, VD. You may exercise your rights of access, cancellation, opposition or rectification, by sending an e-mail to
VI Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms are governed by Spanish law. For any dispute arising from the application of the services or the interpretation or application of the General Conditions, Aurora Márquez Godino and user, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction are subject to the Courts and Tribunals of Aracena.