Spanish housing, the second that more has become cheaper in the world from 2012


-Adjustment of the 14,3%, behind only the registered in Greece (-25,6%)

-Of the 26 global potential, just four countries shed falls: Italy (-13,6%), Holland (-6,8%), France (-6%) and Singapore (-2%)

-Hong Kong (61,5%) and Turkey (56%), the largest increases.


Spain is the second country among the major powers in the world that builds up a further decline in the price of housing since 2012, behind only Greece, According to a study published in the journal ‘ The Economist ’.

In particular, Since the first quarter of 2012, España acumula un decline in the price of housing in the 14,3%, una cifra que sólo supera Greece, with a drop of the25,6%.

En la lista de 26 major world powers, There are only four other countries with reduction of housing prices in the past four years: Italy (-13,6%), Netherlands (-6,8%), France (-6%) and Singapore (-2%).

On the other hand, Hong Kong and Turkey son los países que mantienen un mayor incremento de los precios, with increases of the 61,4% and of the 56%, respectively, followed by Brazil (35%), United States (30%), South Africa (29,1%) and United Kingdom (24,9%).

on the other hand, en el último año España ha registrado un crecimiento del precio de la vivienda del 1,6%, above Belgium (0,7%), France (-2,3%), China (-2,4%), Italy (-3,3%), Singapore (-3,7%) and Greece (-5,9%).

Hong Kong and Turkey they are also the countries with the greatest incremento interanual(20,8% and 18,8%, respectively), followed by Ireland (13,4%), Sweden (10,3%), Australia (7,5%) and South Africa (7,3%

Publication of the magazine ‘ The Economist’
