How tall are really a floor? Why there are up to four different measurements and what trust


One of them data fundamental to know if are hitting or not at the time of negotiating the price of a House is know the cost by m2 and compare it with other properties of the area. In this way can identify if we are before a ganga, a housing to price of market or we intend to make pay a surcharge. However, not always perform this calculation is simple and is that, dependiendo a la fuente que acudamos, We can find up to four measurements different de un mismo inmueble.

He ad, the registry, the cadastre and the plans may offer different data with notable differences. Of what we should trust us?? All and any. Según the office of lawyers deSalvador Real Estate Lawyers, "before buying a homeensure you of know what information you are facilitating, post that otherwise may not calculate the price per square metre between two houses to compare".

Better not mix pears with apples. This is, If we compare the price per m2 of two homes, We must ensure that the measurement of both properties is produced from the same source to compare the same magnitudes and not mess up. And it is that the deSalvador has found cases in which the surface difference between telling the seller in the listing and what levels reach 75 m 2.

To have clear it information that should receive those consumers that are thinking in acquire a housing, the law firm has asked the General directions of the consumption of Andalusia, Asturias, Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Madrid. Todas coinciden en que la actividad de los profesionales inmobiliarios en la comercialización de viviendas de segunda mano se rige por the Royal Decree 515/1989.

This law stipulates that those who carry out activities subject to this Royal Decree must be available to the public, and if any of the competent authorities, the identification data of the seller, the level of housing, reference materials and insulation (thermal and acoustic) used, instructions of use and conservation of the property, the registration number of the property at the land registry and the selling price of housing, In addition to their surface useful and a description general of the building in which are located, of the areas common and of the services accessories. I.e., la ley establece que la única superficie válida para el anuncio de una inmobiliaria es la superficie útil of the housing.

What exactly is the useful surface?

According to Salvador, "often define it as l"to surface ' that you can tread ' of a housing, namely, the space of rooms (our cabinets). There is also the 50% of the covered terraces". We find the official definition in the standard ECO-805-2003, on valuation of real estate and certain rights to certain financial goals.

Article 4 of such order it states that it is "the soil surface delimited by the perimeter defined by the inner face of the external walls of a building or an element of a building, including the half of the surface of the soil of their spaces outside of use proprietary covered (such as terraces, balconies and clotheslines, porches, docks of loading, cantilevers, etc.), measured on the horizontal projection of the roof".

In addition, It confirms that "shall not be considered the ground occupied by fixed interior walls nett, by those elements structural vertical, and by the pipes or ducts with section horizontal top to them 100 cm2 and the surface of the soil whose height free is inferior to 1,5 meters. Not deemed useful surface area occupied by the non-covered exterior spaces".

In what is difference from other measurements??

Despite what says the law, the useful surface is not always used by the seller of a home. Individuals and professionals can be put in the advertisement the number wishing to, even many times put data estimated that, If appears a possible buyer, they should endorse with the corresponding documentation.

Along with the useful surface also appear the registration area and the cadastral. How are they different?

  • Surface registration

For the purposes of the registration of property, the surface to be included in the description of real estate is the overbuilt. This is, the total of the m2 built, so it includes everything that is inside the walls (pillars, walls, pipes, etc.). However, the impact of common elements should not be included.

  • Cadastral area

The land registry has its own way of measuring the surface of a building. The overbuilt property is a mix between overbuilt (includes all it covered by the perimeter), and nett (limited the computation of balconies and excludes surfaces of lower height to 1,50 m). In addition, total area of common elements of the property is distributed between each of the real estate of the same.

The balconies, terraces, porches and other similar items that are covered computed at the 50% its surface, unless they are closed by three of its four orientations, in which case count to the 100%.

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